Thursday, November 6, 2008

philly students

whats up, i have been doing some studying on philadelphia schools over the last couple of is crazy..... in virginia, i thought we were doing good and we were in all 2 city schools. exciting right!!!

well, philadelphia has 84 high schools and a total of 207 schools and 180,000 students....that is incredible. those are just the kids that are in school. there are countless other kids of age to be in school, that aren't. in addition to that, that are alot of private schools that have students. of those kids that are in school...84% of them live in poverty. can you believe that? according to the former ceo of the philadelphia school district...tens of thousands of these students have a parent who has been incarcerated. this stats are mind blowing to me.

isn't it good, that we serve a God who is bigger than these issues. it would be easy to be overwhelmed by the daunting numbers, but God isn't. He has a plan. please continue to pray for these kids who need the opportunity to hear about Jesus. Kids who need to hear the living hope. please pray that kids hearts will be soft and ready for the light Jesus to shine on them like the sun rising in the morning bringing heat to a cold, dark place.

i have been continuing to have great meetings with people. i got to meet with a lawyer today who is so excited to be on committee. i'm so encouraged by people who take hold of what God is calling them too and letting nothing get in the way.

pray that i continue to meet the men/women of peace in the city. pray for favor at this bible study i'm going tomorrow morning. another 645am bible study...i'm becoming a morning person. those who know me maybe surprised by all that.

grace and peace and much love.

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