Tuesday, November 18, 2008

city adventures

well, i think i have found a place to live.  that is exciting.  i will be living just outside of southwest philly.... its a perfect location bc it allows me to get away from the city but at the same time be close to city.  its still a temporary thing though bc ultimately i will be living in the city.
some observations about the city...
1.everyone walks around with a hoodie and an ipod...(or maybe talking on the phone..)  its like no one wants to be known but yet screams i want someone to truly know me.
2.i believe everyone loves the sports teams here so much bc they want something to unite them....something that is "safe" to talk about....its also something they can believe in
3.the city needs more believers walking the streets and talking to people....there is a certain fear about the streets....i have to honest...i get nervous myself(fearful)...its a tension that i have to fight each day....but i know scripture says...2 timothy 1:7--for God did not give us a spirit of timidity(fear), but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline....scripture also says...that if you try to save your life then you will lose it....the one that is in us...is greater than the one in the world....so much to be said...

so yeah, please pray for me....the answer is Jesus...He knows us....He unites us....He is who we should talk about and be about....i want to be someone who is an open book...that shares the love of Christ with every person around me not just with my words but with my actions first.  st. augustine said..."share the Gospel, and when necessary use words."  1 thessalonians 2:8 says " we loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well."   i want my life and my words to be inline with the Gospel....that is my prayer.

also, i have a huge meeting with the president of eastern college on wednesday....pray for continued favor...God has done some many amazing things...

thanks again.
grace and peace.

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