Monday, October 27, 2008

first blog on philly

whats up everybody!!!  Welcome to my first blog!!  i'm going to be using this site to keep everyone posted on what is going on with me in the city of philly.  as you know, i'm moving here to start younglife.  its an exciting time but i'm nervous.  i know its going to be a huge challenge and something that can only be started through the grace of God....please be in prayer for a few things this week.
1. i'm moving to philly on sat. nov.1...pray that packing and saying goodbye here goes well.
2. meeting the men and women of peace in the city....Jesus asked his disciples to search out the men/women of peace in each town they went too....
3.jeremiah 29...talks about seeking the peace and prosperity of a city....pray for the peace and prosperity in the city of philly
4. pray for safety
i could go on and on.  i probably will soon.  but thanks for listening.  i hope you have a blessed day.  more will be coming soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Innnnnnnn West Philadelphia, born and raised...on the playground is where I spent most of my days...what's up Mike, thought I would leave you a rhyme I made up a few minutes ago. Sounds pretty good to me. You're sitting here in front of me watching MNF so I'll wrap it up and just talk to you...